Godot Engine Homepage

Tutorials and Resources

Getting Started with Godot - GameFromScratch.com

Godot 3 Tutorial Series - GameFromScratch.com

Godot demo projects - GitHub

Godot Docs - Stable Branch

Godot Server Cloud Hosting - Mitch Makes Things, YouTube

Hosting a Godot Server in the Cloud (AWS) - DitzyNinja, YouTube

Make an Action RPG in Godot 3.2 - HeartBeast, YouTube

Tiled Map Importer for Godot 3


JRPG Demo: Proof-of-concept for embedding one of the Godot demo projects within an HTML5 page.

Harambe: A basic, side-scrolling shooter game, based on the “Getting Started with Godot” tutorial linked above. Source

Meatball: Another very simple game, ported from one of my first Monogame projects. Source

Action RPG Demo: Simple game with animation trees, shaders, and combat, based on the “Make an Action RPG in Godot 3.2” tutorial linked above. Source

Game Development Resources