
Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition is fine. My understanding is that VS 2022 will also work, but installing MonoGame involves jumping through extra hoops. Also, Microsoft has promised to support the 2019 version until 2029.)

MonoGame + MGCB Editor


C# Monogame RPG Made Easy: YouTube videos & GitHub repo - CodingMadeEasy

MonoGame Tutorial Series -

Tiled Map Editor Tutorial Series -

More tutorials on C#, F#, XNA, and MonoGame here

Tools + Other Resources

Blender 3D Modeling Software

The Box of Evil

The box of evil is a small collection of textures and effects provided to fellow game developers for free and without any restriction. Remember that this is really old, low resolution stuff, and it’s provided as it is.

[A] simple way to find and share indie games online for free.


Extensions to make MonoGame more awesome

MS Paint 3D

Retro Sprite Creator - Nihey Takizawa

SonarLint extension for VS Code 2019

Tiled Map Editor