A.N. Lucas’s 88x31 Button Collection

Here is a collection of more than 700 88x31 web buttons from the 1990’s and 2000’s, including the famous “Netscape NOW” and “Internet Explorer” buttons as well as various other buttons for websites of past and present. All were rescued from a now defunct http://harrypagerubbish.webs.com/buttons just before it disappeared without warning. These buttons are an historic example of advertising in the earlier days of the World Wide Web. Enjoy these buttons and use them to your liking.

CodeHS JavaScript Graphics Library

The library is used in JavaScript Graphics programs in CodeHS. To use the library in an online IDE, visit codehs.com/ide. There are several options for using the library outside of CodeHS. If a <canvas> element is present on the page, the library will use it, otherwise it will create its own.

Discord Bot Resources

You can set up a Node.js server in replit, even from a school computer. (Replit can talk to the Discord API, so if your bot is running there you can test it in real time.) Start with this Example Project.

Flexbox Froggy

Welcome to Flexbox Froggy, a game where you help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code! Guide this frog to the lilypad on the right by using the justify-content property…

GitHub Pages

Websites for you and your projects. Hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.

Google Public DNS


Kaboom is a Javascript game programming library that helps you make games fast and fun.

Let’s Encrypt

A nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates to 225 million websites.

The Twelve-Factor App

In the modern era, software is commonly delivered as a service: called web apps, or software-as-a-service. The twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps that:

  • Use declarative formats for setup automation, to minimize time and cost for new developers joining the project;
  • Have a clean contract with the underlying operating system, offering maximum portability between execution environments;
  • Are suitable for deployment on modern cloud platforms, obviating the need for servers and systems administration;
  • Minimize divergence between development and production, enabling continuous deployment for maximum agility;
  • And can scale up without significant changes to tooling, architecture, or development practices.

The twelve-factor methodology can be applied to apps written in any programming language, and which use any combination of backing services (database, queue, memory cache, etc).

Handy references for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL


CSS-Tricks.com: A Complete Guide to Flexbox

Our comprehensive guide to CSS flexbox layout. This complete guide explains everything about flexbox, focusing on all the different possible properties for the parent element (the flex container) and the child elements (the flex items). It also includes history, demos, patterns, and a browser support chart.

Discord.js Guide

If you’re reading this, it probably means you want to learn how to make a bot with discord.js. Awesome! You’ve come to the right place. This guide will teach you things such as:

  • How to get a bot up and running from scratch;
  • How to properly create, organize, and expand on your commands;
  • How to use the best practices for common situations;
  • and much more. This guide will also cover subjects like common errors and how to solve them, keeping your code clean, setting up a proper development environment, etc. Sounds good? Great! Let’s get started, then.

Gwern: Long Content

…most blog posts are the triumph of the hare over the tortoise. They are meant to be read by a few people on a weekday in 2004 and never again, and are quickly abandoned—and perhaps as Assange says, not a moment too soon. (But isn’t that sad? Isn’t it a terrible ROI for one’s time?) On the other hand, the best blogs always seem to be building something: they are rough drafts—works in progress.

La Aventura de Aerolínea PanAmerica: Notes on Building a Simple Web Site with React

I recently finished a fake travel web site for Spanish learners. You can look at it here, or check out the Github repo. It was built with React, based on Brian Holt’s Complete Intro to React v5 course for FrontEndMasters. This was overkill, but I needed to learn React for work.

Mozilla Developer Network: Basic concepts of flexbox

The Flexible Box Module, usually referred to as flexbox, was designed as a one-dimensional layout model, and as a method that could offer space distribution between items in an interface and powerful alignment capabilities. This article gives an outline of the main features of flexbox, which we will be exploring in more detail in the rest of these guides.

The mysterious photo of a purple flower that receives 78 million hits each day

Among the millions of images available on Wikimedia Commons is a stunning photo of a purple daisy with a yellow pistil. Taken in The Hague in 2004, it appears to be a variety of aster, a genus of flowering plants that mostly grow in Eurasia. It’s a nice picture, but its beauty doesn’t explain why the photo has received around 78 million hits each day — mostly from India — since roughly June 29 of last year.

Old CSS, new CSS

Space Jam, if you’re not aware, is the greatest movie of all time. It documents Bugs Bunny’s extremely short-lived basketball career, playing alongside a live action Michael Jordan to save the planet from aliens for some reason. It was followed by a series of very successful and critically acclaimed RPG spinoffs, which describe the fallout of the Space Jam and are extremely canon. And we are truly blessed, for 24 years after it came out, its website is STILL UP. We can explore the pinnacle of 1996 web design, right here, right now.

The Website Obesity Crisis

To repeat a suggestion I made on Twitter, I contend that text-based websites should not exceed in size the major works of Russian literature… If you open that tweet in a browser, you’ll see the page is 900 KB big. That’s almost 100 KB more than the full text of The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov’s funny and enigmatic novel about the Devil visiting Moscow with his retinue (complete with a giant cat!) during the Great Purge of 1937, intercut with an odd vision of the life of Pontius Pilate, Jesus Christ, and the devoted but unreliable apostle Matthew.

Why Is This Website Port Scanning Me?

Port Scanning is an adversarial technique frequently used by penetration testers and hackers to scan internet facing machines and determine what applications or services are listening on the network, usually so that specific attacks can be carried out. It’s common for security software to detect active port scans and flag it as potential abuse.


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Planet Money Buys A Super Hero - NPR

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