I recently finished a fake travel web site for Spanish learners. You can look at it here 1, or check out the Github repo.

It was built with React, based on Brian Holt’s Complete Intro to React v5 course for FrontEndMasters. This was overkill, but I needed to learn React for work.

To run it locally, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed.

Open a terminal in Visual Studio Code or PowerShell; cd into the project root; run ‘npm run dev’; point a web browser at localhost:5173/

Some helpful VSCode extensions:

  • Azure App Service
  • ESLint
  • npm Intellisense
  • Prettier (File -> Preferences -> Settings, enable ‘Format on Save’ and ‘Prettier: Require Config’)

Other useful resources:

react-datepicker is cool.

  1. NB that this site is hosted using Microsoft Azure’s free tier, so it will load very slowly the first time you open it.