Welcome to Ye Olde Renegade Faire!

Come for the wenches, stay for the ale.

Character Sheet

Character Creation

Ability scores: Roll 4d6, discard the lowest. Repeat five times; these are your ability scores. Assign them to Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha however you want.

Pick a trait.

PC Races:

  • Gnome
  • Halfling
  • Human
  • Machine-Elf
    • +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con
    • Humanoid (Living construct)
    • Size: medium
    • Movement: 30ft. base
    • Low-light vision
    • +2 racial bonus to Craft: clockwork and Knowledge: engineering, which are treated as class skills
  • Tortle
    • +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Dex
    • Humanoid (Tortle)
    • Size: medium
    • Movement: 20ft + slow & steady, 30ft. swim
    • Natural weapon: slam -> 1d4 + Str
    • Hold breath: x10 as long as a typical human
    • Natural armor +2
    • Survival instinct: +2 racial bonus to Survival, which is treated as a class skill
  • Warforged
Name Base Height Height Modifier* Base Weight Weight Modifier**
Machine Elf 5' 4" +2d8" 250 lb. x10
Tortle 5′ 0″ +4d4" 350 lb. x10
Warforged 5' 10" (Medium) or 2' 10" (Small) +2d4" 270 lbs (Medium) or 50 lbs (Small) x4

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

PC Classes: Any Core, Base, or Hybrid class; Merchant.

Questions to consider: Do you know any of the other PCs? What are you doing here at the fair? Who are you camping with?

Grappling Flowchart