The Art and Science of Cognitive Engineering -

What studying hypnotism has taught me about how we think and how to change it for the better.

Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner’s Guide - Tim Ferriss

The Three Steps for Learning to Lucid Dream - u/OsakaWilson

  1. Begin keeping a dream journal. Any time you wake up, at night or in the morning, write down what you remember. At night a sentence often stimulates enough memory to remember more in the morning. Record things that occur often. These will be your dream signs. Goal: Remember 1 or 2 dreams each night.
  2. Begin doing reality checks. Do these 24 hours a day. (Yes. Especially while you are sleeping.) 30 or more should be enough. Really, really question your state.
  3. Begin practicing MILD. Before you go to bed, tell yourself that you intend to remember that you are dreaming while in your dream. Every time you wake up at night, remember a dream you have had or just had. Pick one in which a dream-sign appears. (This is one of the reasons your use a dream journal.) Remind yourself again that you intend to remember that are dreaming while in your dream. In the visualization, see yourself in the dream you picked noticing the dream-sign. Upon noticing the dream sign, do a reality check. See yourself becoming lucid. Then continue visualizing what you plan to do once you become lucid. Condition yourself this way so that you expect it to happen and the training kicks in as automatically as catching a line drive and throwing it to second base when there is a guy on first, ‘cause you don’t want to miss a double play like last time. And the pitcher is Jeff from fourth grade but he is still 10 years old. That’s weird. Note: This is best done in the early morning when you wake up.