Here are my transcribed notes from Dev Ops Days Boise, 2019:

Keynote: The Data Behind DevOps: Becoming a High Performer

10:10 - Loft Room - Security at DevOps Speed

10:50 - JUMP Room - Building a Security Program From Nothing

11:30 - JUMP Room - Continuous Security with Kubernetes


1:00 - Pioneer Room - Ignite Talks:

  • “Pixel Perfect Cookies”
  • “Challenges and Value of Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud”
  • “Negotiating for More Than Your Salary”
  • “Hot Takes, Myths, and Fake News: Why Everyone is Wrong About Dev Ops Except for Me”

1:50 - Open Spaces

2:50 - JUMP Room - Five Simple Tools to Unlock Innovation

  • Empathize/Define/Ideate/Prototype/Test

3:30 - Pioneer Room - Test-Driven Infrastructure

Keynote: Engineering the Digital Transformation