Rexon's Raiders (Stargrave) [390Cr]

Selection Rules

Adrenaline Surge: Self Only
This figure immediately gains an additional action during this activation, and an additional action in their next activation as well. ()

Armoury: Out of Game (B)
The crew can field one suit of combat armour without having to pay is normal upkeep cost.
Alternatively, one standard (not Advanced Technology) pistol, carbine, or shotgun may be given a +1 Damage modifier for the next game only. ()

Break Lock: Line of Sight
Immediately unlocks one physical-loot counter. ()

Control Robot: Line of Sight
Select one robot in line of sight. That robot must make an immediate Will Roll (TN15). If it succeeds, nothing happens. If it fails, it immediately joins the crew of activator as a temporary member. The controlled robot may make a new Will Roll (TN15) after each of its activations. If it succeeds this power is canceled and the robot immediately reverts to its previous allegiance. A figure with this power may only have one robot under control at any time. They may cancel this power at any time as a free action. ()

Create Robot: Out of Game (A)
The player may immediately add one robot soldier to their crew for no cost. This soldier can be of any type except Armoured Trooper, but the crew is still subject to the normal limitation on soldiers and specialist soldiers. ()

Data Knock: Line of Sight
Immediately unlocks one data-loot counter. ()

Drone: Touch
Place a drone next to the activator (see Chapter Six: Bestiary, page 144). This drone counts as a temporary member of the crew, and may activate and move as normal. For the rest of the game, the figure may draw line of sight from the drone, instead of the figure, when using a power. This includes using Touch powers. A figure may only have one active drone at a time. ()

Remote Firing: Line of Sight
This power allows the user to select one robot in the same crew that is within line of sight. That robot makes an immediate +3 Shooting attack against any legal target within 12”. This attack does not count as the robot’s activation, nor does it cost the robot an action. ()

Repair Robot: Line of Sight
This power restores up to 5 points of lost Health to a target robot within 6”. This power cannot take a figure above its starting Health. ()

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